Moody's Diagram (or Moody's Chart)
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Fig: Moody's diagram for the friction factor 'f' for commercial pipes-I |
The value of Equivalent sand grain roughness (k)' given in
Table 1-2 correspond to material in new and clean condition. As the pipe become
older, the roughness increases may increase with time in accordance with
following expression
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Where, k= Equivalent sand grain roughness at any time 't', Equivalent sand
grain roughness of new pipe material and a = Time rate of increase of
Salient features of Moody's Diagram
a) Laminar flow (Re<2000)
Friction factor (f) is a function of 'Re' only
b) Critical zone (2000<Re<4000)
Flow in this zone is either laminar
or turbulent (i.e. oscillatory flow that alternately exists between laminar and
turbulent flow). There is no any specific relationship between 'f 'and 'Re' in this zone.
c) Transition zone (Re>4000)
For 'k/D < 0.001 ' and certain
ranges of 'Re' in this zone, the roughness elements are submerged in the
viscous sub-layer, and the flow can be considered to be smooth pipe flow. In
this zone, T is a function of both 'Re' and 'k/D'.
d) Complete turbulent zone (Re>4000)
In this zone, average
roughness height is substantially greater than the viscous wall layer
thickness. As 'Re' is high, the head loss is also higher due to the extra
turbulence caused by projections. The friction factor (f) is a function of 'k/D' only and is independent of 'Re'. The horizontal lines indicate that friction
factor (D does not change with 'Re', that means viscosity does not affect the
head loss in this zone.
Determination of Value of 'f' from Moody Chart:
Mark the value of 'Re' =VD/v on the abscissa (i.e. Re - axis)
(ii) For the given value of 'k/D', mark the point of intersection of 'Re' with 'k/D'. To find the intersection point, draw vertical line from 'Re' and follow curve path from 'k/D'. If 'k/D' curve is not available for given value of 'k/D', draw a curve by following the trend of nearby curve.
iii) Draw a horizontal line from the point of intersection of 'Re' and 'k/D' to ordinate (i.e. f- axis)
Finally, read the value of friction factor (D
from the chart.
Flow chart of Friction factor (f)
- Pipe flows and open channel flows in Hydraulics
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